Yellow corn food
Pearl barley (double polished)
Glassiness - 80-85% Protein - 16% Gluten - 27% Trash - 0,5-1% Moisture - 10,5%
Yellow corn feed for animals
We supply all standard grades of milling wheat to wholesalers and flour millers around the world. Due to our extensive grower network we are able to provide custom specifications wheat to suit our clients requirements. Denomination of characteristics Norms Color Yellow Humidity % not more 14,0 Good quality kernel, %, not less 99,2 Trash admixture % not more including 0,3 Trash admixture, %, not more 0,30 mineral admixture % not more 0,05 harmful admixture % not more 0,05 The spoilt kernels, %, not more 0,2 The processed grains of a rye and barley %, not more 3,0 Infectiousness by crop plants pests Not allowed Metallomagnetic admixture per 1 kg of barley, mg, not more This type of wheat is grown in low temperatures and snow-covered regions. It has high protein content and is used for products like general purpose flour, flatbreads and cereals. Its also the most important type of wheat produced in the United States. We offer 5 different grades of Brazilian Wheat: Grade 1: 14.5% protein / 32% wet gluten 2: 13.5% protein / 28% wet gluten 3: 12.5% protein / 23% wet gluten 4: 11% protein / 18% wet gluten 5: Feed wheat. No min. protein/gluten There are many different varieties of wheat, each of which has different protein contents and kernel colours. There are two primary categories: winter wheat and summer wheat, which are classified based on their growing season. T
Wheat (food grade, for human) origin Ukraine high protein protein not less 13% clean in pp bags 25/50/1000 kg