Services: 24 hours room service, 24 hours hot & cold water, doctors on call
Services: Standard, deluxe - have been equipped with modern amenities like attached bathroom with running hot and cold water, cable tv with international channels, coloured televisions and epabx with direct dialling facility, homely and comfortable accommodation, credit card, car rental, car parking
Services: 24 hrs room service, free wifi high speed internet, cable TV, doctor on call, car rental service, car parking and inbuilt family restaurant with separate bar, big size room, air conditioner/heater, attached bathroom with bath tub, complimentary welcome bed tea
Services: 18hrs room service, high speed wifi internet, telephone, travel assistance, mountain view, hot/cold water, purified drinking water, newspaper, lcd/color television with cable channels, online payment, 5 double standard rooms, 10 double deluxe rooms, 4 double super deluxe rooms and 6 triple deluxe rooms
Services: Room services, multi-cuisine restaurant, sunset point from terrace, laundry service, satellite transmission, electronic exchange, doctor on call, parking and front office, intercom in every room, car rental, trekking with guide on request, 5 minute walk from bus stand & 2 minutes from subhash chowk, well furnished rooms
Services: Simgle, dormitory deluxe and super deluxe rooms, attached bathroom, hot/cold water, fan, room heater (on demand), television, free wifi, online booking, flat rooftop terrace, vegetarian and non-vegetarian food, friendly and helpful staff
Services: Travel agency provides taxi services, package tours, air ticket booking, hotel booking services
Services: Our company services:
Guest house/ hotel reservation service,
Suleman amity biz international (pvt.) ltd. Offer to find the exact guest house/hotel to travel seekers, multinational companies, ngoÆs, embassies, and tour operatorÆs worldwide they are looking for hospitality set ups, we welcome our distinguished guests, from all over the world. The purpose is to provide an exclusive ôsabi-pakö guest house/ hotel reservation service, with a vast range of choices to our worthy guests at very reasonable charges, where you feel convenient and comfortable at our ôsabi-pakö panel list guest houses/hotels in all sector of islamabad-pakistan.
Channel partners serviceö
Our primary objective is to continually market your business (guest house/hotel, r.A.Car/tour operator, restaurant/handicraft shops and others) with ôö sabi-pak channel partners serviceö news letter, direct marketing and online channel partners list with your business details including e-mail, tel. No, fax no, postal address
Services: We provide a well equipped guest house for top and middle business class, self catering apartment, services apartment, telephone and internet service, swimming pool facilities and conferencing center with transporting services to anywhere in the country