Calendula is considered a kind of annual and perennial herbaceous plant from 15-20 species in the Daisy family Asteraceae that are called marigolds.
Calendula is originally cultivated in Egypt.
In a modern Latin diminutive of calendae, calendula means "little calendar" "little clock" or possibly "little weather-glass".
Calendula's common name "marigold" refers to the Virgin Mary. Marigold is considered the most commonly cultivated and used member of the genus.
Traditional and ancient uses
1) Traditionally, calendula species have been used as medicine herbs, and culinary. Whereas you can eat Calendula petals in a salad, or dry them to use in coloring cheese or as a replacement for saffron.
2) You can extract yellow dye from calendula flowers.
3) The golden calendula is used by Romans and Greeks in ceremonies and rituals. They wore crowns and garlands which are made from flowers. In catholic events, a calendula flower called Mary's Gold has been used in some countries.
4) There are skin products from calendula ointments that can cure burns, minor cuts, and skin irritation.
5) Medically, calendula oil of C. officinalis is used as an antitumor agent, an anti-inflammatory, and a healing wound remedy.
Ancient Egyptian and Calendula flowers:
Calendula was used by ancient Egyptians for more than 4,000 years. It was mentioned in a prescription in Qurtas Hurst (book of Hirst) with other species as an ointment painted by the diseased parts.
The Difference between Calendula and French Marigold:
1) Marigold or pot marigold (calendula) is back originally to Europe. But French marigolds backed originally to America) In the case of marigold, pot marigold (Calendula), a native to Europe, and French marigold (Tagetes), an American native in the same family as the daisy, are very different plants. Calendula can be eaten and appear on lists of attractive edible flowers, but the French marigold cannot be eaten and is not an edible flower, the Marigolds refers to calendulas, under the name pot marigold.
2) if you are searching for a pot marigold, you will find it by its scientific name which is (Calendula Officinalis)
Description: Bala Flower granite features a beige-to-pinkish background with flower-like patterns. It is often chosen for countertops, flooring, and decorative elements, adding a touch of natural beauty to interiors.
Thickness: 2 cm and 3 cm.
Size: Slabs often chosen in standard dimensions of 180-300 cm length and 60-90 cm width, with custom sizes available.
Bala Flower Granite makes normal look request to the territory and it is extremely lovely stone with brownish base having dark, dim and beige shading bits. These bits look like blossoms. Tiny drops are discretionary plan highlight in this assortment. As the name of this granite, Bala Flower design resembles blossom surface which make it alluring.
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