Services: Acupuncture treatment, acupuncture therapy, painless acupuncture, harmless acupuncture treatment, acupuncture medical science, alternative medicine acupuncture therapy, acupuncturist consultant, acupuncturist consultant, psychotherapist consultant, spondlytis treatments, backache treatments, headache treatments, nervousness treatments, depression treatments, tension treatments, addiction treatments, painful condition mind body, psychosomatic therapy, psychosexual disorders therapy, psychiatric problems therapy, acupuncture in mumbai, acupuncture therapy in india, dr. Jagdish shah, member of british medical acupuncture society, mumbai, india
Services: Indulge in a body wrap that also doubles as a cellulite treatment. Enjoy over an hour of relaxation while you minimize and lose centimeters from your body including noticeably more slender hips, stomach, thighs and buttocks
Services: Using energy based products products treatment is conducted for natural rejuvenation of body systems for natural healing for all bodily ailments, even prolonged illness can be dealt with unbeliveable results
Services: PRANIC HEALER. we can cure any ailment without touchig n giving any medicine.distance healing also possible.any type of physical ailment,psycological ailment which medical world can't find any solution.also FINANCIAL HEALING for struggling person or companys.VAASTHU N FENG SHUI correction without demolition of the structure. BLACK MAGIC will be removed effectively. to findout u r problem pl scan n send u r photo 4 free scan report. we r govern by energy field thats called aura in that chakra.if any problems comes physically or psycolagically we have 2 treat the root cause 4 that.Dr's are giving medicine 4 physical body we r giving treatment 4 energy body both together work fast and curing rate is miracules healing will take place.