Product Description
Seacure Liquid is Best Quality Seaweed Extract Liquid of Vise Organic. Vise Organic is Manufacturer and Supplier of Seaweed Extract Liquid. Vise Organic Manufacture Seaweed Extract Liquid with highest standards of Industries.
Benefits: Secure Power provides all essential nutrients and elements for the balanced growth of crops, It stimulates flowering and overall growth of crops, It stimulates chlorophyll synthesis as well as new tissue generation, Provides additional energy for better yield, Reduce pre-dropping of flowers and fruit.
Application Method:
Foilar Application: 30 ml in 15 liter water. Dissolve 30 ml Secure Power Liquid in 15 liter water and spray uniform over both side of leaf.
Soil Application: Dissolve 1 liter of Secure Power Liquid in 200 liter water. Drench uniform in one acre land.
Seed Coating: Dissolve 100ml Secure Power Liquid in 1 liter water. Use this liquid to coating seeds before sowing.
Contains: phytohormones, fulvo acids and amino acids - lysine, meteonin, asparagine, glutamine, valine and other micro eleminti in a chelated form.
Unistim is a water extract - worm-formulation of the compositions (lumbrokugeden organic humus) rich in humic acids and fulvinovi, including macro and micro elements in helartna form salts and minerals. This product meets all test reports issued by the authorized inspection services and testing of fertilizers. The product contains rhizosphere microorganisms. The composition of unistim no synthetic additives and genetically modified organisms. Unistim is high in humic acids, mainly in the form of potassium humate. Unistim in liquid form is dark brown zvyat without characteristic smell. Does not change its properties in temperature from 5 ° to 25 ° c for at least a period of 36 months from the date of manufacture. Diverse effects of unistim explained by simultaneous effects on crops, water, soil and plants.
BIOSA is a versatile organic liquid fertilizer to fertilize any part of the plant (leaves, flowers, fruit, branches, twigs, roots and stems).
BIOSA contains microbes and enzymes that are highly adaptive to various environments, so that they are able to be directly active in decomposing organic dust particles into nutrients.
This organic fertilizer contains a complex of microbes and enzymes around 10¸/cc.
Created by a Professor of waste expert, who teaches at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia.