Services: Trademark consultants, patent consultants, copyright registration, trademark registration, patent registration, industrial designs registration, designs and patterns registration, IPR consultants, ipr registration, servicemark registration, geographical indications registration, trademark law consultants, patent law consultants, copyright law consultants, industrial designs law consultants, geographical indications law consultants, ipr law consultants, intellectual property rights law consultants, intellectual property rights registration consultants, biodiversity law consultants, biodiversity registration consultants, protection of trade secrets, protection of trademarks, protection of copyrights, protection of patents, industrial designs and integrated circuits, protection against unfair competition, trust registration, company registration, society registration, vat registration, tax consultants, firm registration, import export licence
Services: Trademark and patent services and consulting
Services: Trademark consultant in this professional field for 12 years (trademark patent-logo-industrial design & copyright)
Services: Solicitors & advocates, international legal consultants, corporate & commercial law consultant, patent & trademark attorney
Services: We offer consultancy on trademark registration, trademark search, related laws and formalities, protection of trademark privileges and rights, expert legal advice on all aspects of such laws and its practical possibilities
Services: End-to-end intellectual property (IP) rights protection, IP consultancy, patent, trademark & industrial design registration and prosecution, copyright, licensing agreements, infringement advice, IP & technology valuation and assessment services, new plant varieties rights, and IP commercialization strategies.
Supplier: R.O. plant, chilling plant & ice plant
Services: Consulting in ISI licence, ISO licence, trademark, agmark & hallmark
Buyer: Buying chemicals & glasswares products which is used in R.O. Plant
Services: Management consultant for ISO 9001/ 14001/ QMS/ HACCP/ TRADEMARK/ OHSAS/ QS 9000
Services: ISO certification, HACCP/hygienic/safety certification, trademark/ copyright/patent/design registration, ce/ul/isi/bis certification, nabh/nabl consultancy