History Papua is the easternmost island of Indonesia. The natural conditions of Papua that are still natural and beautiful make the plantations in Papua flourish. Almost all coffee plantations in Papua are organic. However, because not many coffee farmers understand how to process post-harvest well, not many farmers are able to produce quality coffee internationally. This is one of the reasons why Papua's coffee stock is limited. One of the most famous coffee-producing regions in Papua is Wamena. Papua Wamena Arabica Coffee is known as one of the best Arabica coffee in Indonesia. The unique taste of Papua's high body coffee, makes Papuan coffee always hunted by coffee lovers. This type of Papuan coffee is one of the original coffee products from Indonesia that has begun to be known throughout the world. Looking at the history of the place where the coffee came from, if we look at it from the side of natural wealth owned by Indonesia, it certainly looks quite interesting. One of them is a scene in the city of Wamena, a small town in the mountain valley of the Jayawijaya region, Papua. Apart from the beautiful natural scenery, we can also see the results of this natural wealth from the land of Papua. Some types of existing crops, such as Arabica coffee and vegetables are on this island of Papua. But even more interesting is the existence of Papuan coffee production. This type of Wamena Arabica coffee grows in the Baliem valley of the Mamena Jayawijaya mountain range. What's interesting is that the growth of this type of coffee plant does not use chemical fertilizers. This type of Wamena Arabica coffee can thrive naturally. Advantages One of the advantages of Papuan coffee is its ability to grow naturally and not to use fertilizer ingredients. In addition, the advantages of this type of coffee are known to have a distinctive aroma and taste. This type of coffee also does not have a sour taste because the acid levels look lower. If we look at the side of the presentation of coffee, it appears that there are various types of interesting presentation processes. Grade Master Specialty Grade Coffee Roast Level Medium to Dark Aroma Spicy, Caramelly, Flowery Acidity Medium, Smooth and Clean Body High Flavour Nutty, Orange Hint, Herb