These oils are series of fully synthetic passenger car lubricants based on synthesized hydrocarbon technology.These oils are utilizes a combination of selected high viscosity index synthesized hydrocarbon, fluids, esters & a unique viscosity index improvers. These oils have an entirely different molecular structure provides superior cold starting capability for engine as low as -33° C. The high viscosity index & improved, volatility properties retain a fully effective lubricants film under the conditions of high temperatures, stress and speed. These oils are suitable for all seasons use and are fully compatible with conventional petroleum based engine oils &can provide maximum benefits in well maintained engines. Product Features Very high viscosity index Excellent thermal & oxidation stability Outstanding detergency & dispersancy. Very low pour point Good rust &corrosion properties. Benefits Outstanding engine wear protection & cleanliness in both gasoline& diesel passengers carengines Excellent performance in turbocharged passenger car engines Easier cold starting & fasteroil flowto critical parts during start up Average fuel savings between 2% to 4% Extended oil drain interval. Recommended Maruti Skoda Mahindra Toyota Ford Renualt Hundai Honda cars etc. Price : USD $6.20