Balouj 16265 Carpet No(Type N Reference): 16265 Origin (State, Province): Northeast Persia Size: 145 X 90 CM from sh.sameyeh Oriental carpet catalogue page No.20 Age: 1ST QUARTER OF 20TH CENTURY Category: Northeast Persia Price : Singapore $ 1400.00 Description of Design and History: Antique Baluch rugs are a unique phenomenon in the world of antique Oriental rugs. Rather than originating from one specific, easily identified region, Baluch rugs are actually expressive of an extraordinarily wide range of styles. After a fashion, the style that characterizes Baluch rugs is more of an amalgamation of Turkish rugs, Persian rugs and Caucasian rug styles than a distinct style in and of itself. This is largely due to the fact that the historical region where Baluch rugs have been produced, Baluchistan, is no longer an independent, autonomous region. This historical region is referred to as Baluchistan. Today, this historical region exists on either side of the border between Iran and Pakistan, though, in the past, it was a semi-autonomous nation, unified by the Baluch language.Today, Baluch is defined according to Iranian law, and is divided into subgroups where more distinct styles arise. However, the main area for weaving was in the are around the border between Iran and Afghanistan, giving rise to the hybrid of styles reflected in the antique rugs of Baluchistan. The rugs are defined by their coarsely woven structure and their tree of life motif. They can be primarily recognized by their exceptional wool quality and color combination.All natural dyes are paramount for the carpet to have more than just decorative value. Beyond that, various dyers had varying levels of skill and invested different lengths of time in dyeing the yarns. The “quality of color”–its radiance and level of nuance within each color–is centrally important. Certain rare colors such as Tyrian purple, saffron yellow, cochineal rose and greens add to the carpet’s value