Onion Oil Pressure Tube : Weaving with high-gly-dny industrial horizontal yarn winding reinforcing layer, Kevlar reinforced weaving layer and strong gold onion yarn, effectively reducing the expansion coefficient, improving the oil pressure efficiency, and providing a layer of beautiful and practical protection. Five-level reinforcement allows the driver to more effectively transmit the braking force from the handle to the brake, enhancing the user's safety. The transparent outer layer covers the interior of the colorful knit lines. Light weight and easy to cut. Number of floors: 5 floors Material: PVDF+ Kevlar Weaving + High Denier Powerful Industrial Wire Winding + Onion Weaving + Nylon Diameter specification: 2.1mm*5.0mm / 2.3mm*5.0mm / 2.5mm*5.4mm Color: Gold, Silver, Black, Blue, Pink, Red