Light Resin Bound Mattresses are constructed of fine fibers formed from elected slag/rocks dissolved at high temperature and bonded with a thermosetting resin The uniformity of fiber distribution and The diameter of fibers, the fiber lay pattern and bulk density are measured to produce mattresses of decided density and thickness. The mattresses are then cut and stitched to defined dimensions. Light Resin bonded mattresses offer superior resistance, due to measured thickness and density, resulting in Predictable Light resins bonded mattresses, simply named as LRB are mattresses formed of fibers of molten rocks. These fibers of preferred rocks are bonded together using a thermosetting resin. Imperial World Trade is one of the leading manufacturers and shippers of light resins connectivity mattresses in India and also shipping these commodities in Nigeria, UAE, and the USA. Chosen rocks are melted at high temperature. Fine fibers from these molten rocks are formed and bonded mutually by utilizing thermosetting resin. Felting of these fibers then takes place in a particular laying pattern. Ultimately, they are baked to manufacture mattresses having a specific thickness and density.