Hydraulic orbit motor bmr Bmr series motor adapt the advanced gerolor gear set design with shaft distribution flow, which can automatically compensate in operating with high pressure , provide reliable and smooth operation, high efficiency and long life. Characteristic features: *advanced manufacturing devices for the gerolor gear set, which use low pressure of start-up, provide smooth, reliable operation and high efficiency. *shaft seal can bear high pressure of back and the motor can be used in parallel or in series. *special design in the driver-linker and prolong operating life *special design for distribution system can meet the requirement of low noise of unit. *compact volume and easy installation. Substitute reference substance Motor cross reference table Hanjiu Hydraulic M+s Hydraulic Eaton Char lynn Danfoss Ross Trw White Cross Parker Sam Brevini Bosch Recroth Bmm Mm mlhk J series Omm Bgm Mgx Bmp/bm1 Mp hp H series Omp dh Mf mg Wp rs Tc te tb Bg Mgp gxp Bmr/bm2 Mr hr mlhrw, rw S, t series w series Omr ds omew Mb Wr re Tf Br Mgr gmr Bmh/bm4 Mh mlhh hw hwf Omh Me Re Tg Bms/bm5 Ms msy mlhs 2000 series Oms Me Re Tg Hpr Mgs gms Bmt/bm6 Mt mlht mtm 6000 series Omt tmt Mj Ht Mgt, gmt Bmv Mv mlhv 10000 series Omv Mgv gmv Hydraulic orbit motor applications: Brush cutters Mower Haveresting equipment Forestry equipment Turf equipment