Kodo millet known as varagu in Tamil,Harka in Kannada,Koovaragu in Malayalam,Kodra in Hindi & Arikelu in Telugu.Its basically a digestion friendly millet.It is rich in phytochemicals,Phytate that helps in reduction of cancer risks.It helps to reduce the body weight which is most needed for obese people.It helps to overcome irregular period problems in women.It helps to reduce knee & joint pains.Also it is good for diabetic people .It reduces nervous disorders especially in eyes. Nutrition Information Per 100gms Serving Size The serving size, in terms of the number of volume or mass Calories 309 Fat (grams) 2.2 Iron (mg) 0.8 Calcium (milligrams) 14 Minerals(grams) 1.9 Carbohydrate (grams) 86 Protein (grams) 12.5 Fiber (grams) 2.2