R134a physical properties: Molecular weight 102.03 Boiling point(degree celsius) -26.2 Freezing point (degree celsius) -96.6 Critical temperature(degree celsius) 101.1 Critical compressive force (kpa) 4066.6 Saturated liquid density 30degree celsius(kg/m3) 1188.1 Specific heat of liquid 30degree celsius 1.42 Odp 0.000 Gwp 0.29 R134a application: R134a is an environmental friendly refrigerant with zero odp (ozone-depleting-potential), which is widely used in mobile air conditioning, refrigerator, central air conditioning And commercial refrigeration system ect. It can also be used as aerosol, flame-retardant And blowing agent in medical, insecticidal, cosmetic and cleaning products. 1.Hfc-134a is one of long-term cfcs substitutes with excellent performance widely recognized in international community. 2.It does not container chlorine atom, will not destroy the ozone layer. 3.It has perfect physicochemical characateristics, and is a nontoxic, colorless, odorless, nonexplosive, inflammable material. 4.It is widly applied as refrigerant in auto air-condition, refrigerator, , commercial refrigeration, Central air-condition, commercail refrigeration, and also beenused in areas such as medicine, pesticide, cosmetics and cleaning. Environmental parameters:odp 0.000, gwp 0.29 -