Product Code Product Description PRS-A0810 Accelerated Polishing Machine (PSV),220-240 V 50-60 Hz PRS-A0812 Corn Emery 5 kg, for PRS-A0810 PRS-A0813 Flour Emery 5 kg, for PRS-A0810 PRS-A0814 Control Stone 50 kg Ungraded, for PRS-A0810, PSV value in the range 50 to 60 PRS-A0815 Friction Tester Reference Stone (Criggion Stone) 25 kg Ungraded, for PRS-A0810, PSV value in the range 60 to 65 Accelerated Polishing Machine (PSV) is used to accelerate the polishing action of vehicle tyres on a road surface, the resultsare used to develop safer road surfaces. The machine consists of a road wheel rotating at 320 ± 5 r.p.m, driven by a fan cooled electric motor. Abrasive Corn Emery is fed to the point of contact of the wheel on the test surface for 3 hours, followed by feeding Emery Flour to polish the surface being tested for a further 3 hours. Subsequent skid tests are carried out on the test samples using suitable portable skid test equipment. PRS-A0814 Control Stone and PRS-A0815 Friction Tester Reference Stone should be ordered separately. The Accelerated Polishing Machine is supplied complete with; � Road Wheel, � Side Plate, � Rubber Rings, � Solid Rubber- Tired Wheel - 2 units, � Drive Belt, � Abrasive Feed Mechanism, � Corn Emery - 5 kg, � Flour Emery - 5 kg, � Tool Kit, � Specimen Moulds - 2 pcs, � 2 Mould Plates Road Wheel Speed 315 to 325 r.p.m Dimensions 740x720x1520 mm Weight (approx.) 175 kg Power 850 W