Botanical name: nigella sativa, english name: black cumin seeds, Origin: india, indian name: kalonji, family name: buttercup, other name: charnushka. Kalonji also called as nigella belongs to the renunculcea family of plants and is abundantly found in countries like bangladesh, india, turkey, and some eastern countries of the world. Kalonji not only adds flavor to the various foods, but is also a herbal remedy for curing many diseases. Kalonji seeds are about the same size as sesame seeds, though they have a more triangular instead of oval shape. Black seed appropriately known as the â??seeds of blessingâ?� is considered to be one of the greatest healing herbs of all time. Uses of black cumin seeds: They are extremely helpful in diabetes, cancer, weight loss, and liver health. Nigella seeds contain acid arginine, which is cardinal for the growth of the child acid. It lowers blood pressure, cholesterol levels and boosts immune system Harvest period: Winter crop (mar/april)