Temperature Sensor Manufacturer & Exporter of Temperature Sensor. Our product range also comprises of Glass Tube Rotameter, Acrylic Body Rotameter and Bypass Rotameter. Our organization holds expertise in manufacturing and supplying premium quality Temperature Sensor. The range comprises of thermocouple and RTD sensors. Each of these sensors is known for its efficiency and accurate results. Thermocouples Sensors: While manufacturing, their style is determined on different parameters such as: Sheath material Lead lengths Sensor material and others Diameters Lengths Features: Response time Accuracy The junction of the thermocouple can be grounded, ungrounded or exposed Lead length may vary depending on the distance of the temperature controller from the thermocouple sensor. RTD Sensors: These are developed from stainless steel, platinum and are available in configuration of 2 or 3 wires. These Sensors are used in Air conditioning and refrigeration servicing, Food service processing, Textile production, Microelectronics