Standard:astm b230, b231, b232, b399, icea s-61-402 and s-66-52, voltage:600/1000v, capacity:10000km/week, the product is used primarily for, but not limited to, overhead secondary distribution lines. Installed on insulators, otherwise treated as a bare conductor., ease of erection and stringing, practically no tree-trimming required, less maintenance, relative immunity to short circuits caused by external forces (wind, fallen branches), unless they abrade the insulation., , aluminum alloy 1350-h19, 6201, or acsr conductors, concentrically stranded, covered with polyethylene or crosslinked polyethylene (xlpe). The covering provides circuit protection against momentary contact with other conductors or trees. Because the covering carries no voltage rating, the conductors must be installed on insulators adequate for the intended service voltage. The user should consider the dielectric compatibility of the covering, insulator and conductor/insulator tie., 1.Conductors are available in the following constructions:, aluminum conductor, steel reinforced (acsr), concentric-lay stranded, aluminum alloy 1350-h19 hard-drawn, concentric-lay stranded, medium hard-drawn copper, solid or concentric-lay-stranded, 2.Covering material