Bioclean ANB is a potent mix of natural microorganisms and/or enzymes that specialize in biodegradation of harmful pollutants found in variety of industrial waste waters Every gram of Bioclean ANB is packed with a robust mix of microbes and/or enzymes that rapidly adapt to dynamic condition in the waste water treatment facility and continue to perform consistently Product properties :- Appearance: Off White micro-encapsulated free flowing powder Odor: Yeast like PH: neutral Working pH range : 5 – 9 Effective temperature range: 10-50°C Shelf Life: Two years Benefits : Reduction of COD, BOD and Ammonical nitrogen Most effective for biodegradation of refractory organics Improved ability to handle higher hydraulic loads and shock loads Reduction in Color and odor of the treated effluent High reduction in Sludge generation and lowers sludge handling costs Enhances anaerobic digester performance Improves grease digestion Generation of a renewable energy (biogas)