A typical petty subsistent economy crop for farmers in the less developed countries such as Sudan, sesame is a popular tropical agricultural product which is also cultivated in many parts of Asia. One of its properties is that it can grow well and give high yield even with minimal rainfall. In countries such as Sudan it is one of the main rain-fed agricultural crops. Not only is sesame used as an important source of cooking vegetable oil, but it is also used in making confectionary and Middle East Salad such as Tahina (a type of creamy paste used as an appetizer). Recently, sesame has become an important ingredient in the confectionary, biscuit industry as well as in bakeries. This is in addition to its numerous curative qualities (in many African countries they grind sesame and use its oil to remedy chronic cough). This is in addition to the fact that sesame seeds contain antioxidants which can hinder the development and the spread of cancerous cells.