Bio Fertilizers. PREMIUM POTASH ACTIVA (Potash mobilizing bacteria) Liquid, Powder CFU > 1 x 108 per ml & > 5 x 107 per gm Packaging 250ml, 500ml, 1litr, 20litr / 2kg, 25kg Documents: MSDS / LABEL / FCO / COA / Trial reports Mode of Action The microbial population (PSB and others) and its activity i.e. organic acid secretion contribute the changes of potassium mobility from the soil towards plant roots. Rate of non-exchangeable K release and its mechanism are controlled by nature and amount of clay minerals, besides this exploring the role of microbes present in the soil. KMB could be applied individually however it is recommended along with nitrogen fixing bacteria like Rhizobium, Azosprillum and with P-solubilizers respond more with co inoculants and soil application. Target Crops :Cereals like Paddy, Wheat, Millet, Vegetables namely Cabbage, Cauliflower, Pea, Bean, Brinjal, Chilly, Onion, Potato, Leafy vegetables, Tomato, Flowering plants and Fruit crops; Grapes, Citrus, Apple plants. Benefits to the crop and soil Improve resistance of crop plants against disease and stress condition Improve crop growth and yield by 20 -30 % Secretion of growth hormones to increase crop productivity Suitable to apply to all crop Enhance soil health and soil fertility Reduce cost of potash application by 50 60% Improve sucrose content in crop and appearance Improve coloration and shelf life of crop Method of application and dosage for Liquid Formulation Soil Application- Take 500 ml -1.0 litr/acre PREMIUM POTASH ACTIVA mix in 50 kg well decomposed FYM / compost. Blend the mixture and broadcast it over 1 acre land in the standing crop and irrigate the field. In case of Horticulture crops it should be applied in the effective root zone. Drip Irrigation : Mix 500ml -1.0 litr/acre of PREMIUM POTASH ACTIVA in 100 lit. of water and apply in the field through drip irrigation. Method of application and dosage for Powder Formulation Soil Application- Take 2kg PREMIUM POTASH ACTIVA mix in 50 kg well decomposed FYM / compost. Blend the mixture and broadcast it over 1 acre land in the standing crop and irrigate the field. In case of Horticulture crops it should be applied in the effective root zone. Incompatibility Do not use with chemical Antibiotics Compatible with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides when applied in the soil.