Bio-Fertilizers. PREMIUM RHIZO (Rhizobium) CFU - > 1 x 108 per ml Packaging – 250ml, 500ml, 1litr, 20litr Documents: MSDS / LABEL / FCO / COA / Trial reports Mode of Action : This belongs to bacterial group and the classical example is symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Rhizobium spp., detect compounds like flavinoids secreted by the roots of leguminous plants and then produce nod factors lead to formation of root nodules. The bacteria infect the legume root and form root nodules within which they reduce molecular nitrogen in to ammonia which is readily vitamins and other nitrogen Mode of action containing compounds. The site of symbiosis is within the root nodules. It has been estimated that 40 – 250Kg N/ha/year is fixed by different legume crops by the microbial activities of Rhizobium. It was reported by Chandra, al., 1995 and used since long. They are crop specific. Target Crops :Leguminous crops like Pea, Pigeon pea, Black gram, Green gram, Chick pea, Cow pea, Soybean, Peanut, Lentil, Berseem etc. Benefits to the Crop It has been estimated that 40 -250 kg nitrogen/ha/year fixed by different legume crops by Rhizobium and improve soil fertility for next crop. Improve the plant growth status, liberasion of phosphate and micro nutrients from insoluble sources, induce systematic disease resistance. Rhizomes determine the nutrient pool for soils and facilitate growth and development of plant. Method of application and dosage Seed Treatment- Take 100 ml of RHIZOBIUM for 10 kg of seed Soil Application :Mix 500ml - 1.0 lit/acre of RHIZOBIUM in 40-50 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast in the field before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in standing crop and irrigate the field. Incompatibility Don’t apply with chemical antibiotic.