M/s bhim mandal P.O.Chalsa, dist. Jalpaiguri, pin-7602847009, west bangal, mob: +91 7602847009, email:bhimm@rediffmail.Com, web: www.M/sbhimmandal.Com (exporter ice no.0210001798) I am bhim mandal an indian citizen having valid export license. I am running my business as proprietor from the year of 2010 and the farm name is “m/s bhim mandal”, since then i am doing business with bangladesh. Now i want to export darjeeling tea of different verities like:- Leaf (darjeeling tea) 1.-1(speacia Leaf (green tea) 6.-1(speacial) 7.-1(china) 8.-1(clonal) Small pack 100gm to 5kg, big pact 20kg