The largest amount is the single row tapered roller bearings.The small size of the double row tapered roller bearings used in the front of car wheels in recent years.Four-row tapered roller bearings used in large-scale cold rolling mill and other heavy machines. Usually separated type, that is with roller and cage assembly of the inner components of the composition of the inner cone with tapered outer ring (outer ring) installed separately. Widely used in automotive, mill, mining, metallurgy, plastics and machinery industries. Spherical roller bearings are divided into: a cylindrical bore, tapered bore Tapered bore taper 1:12, respectively, the post code for the k, -aligning roller bearings (153 000 type or 113 000-type) and 1:30 of the post code for the k30 self-aligning roller bearings. This type of bearing shaft with a conical distribution, the inner ring can be adjusted along the axial movement of the bearing radial clearance. According to your needs