Acrylic fibers are synthetic fibers that are made from any long chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85 % by weight of acrylonitrile units. Acrylic fabrics can be used all the year round due to their comfort factor. Inspired from the consumers' demands and a wide range of advantages, the apparel manufacturers utilize it for making various clothing regardless of any specific season. The key factor that lends acrylic fabric its quality of comfort is its ability of moisture transportation or wicking. Acrylic fiber is characterized with inherent polarity i.E, the ability to attract and convey moisture. Due to this quality acrylic fiber gives lifetime wicking capability to fabrics that are made from it. These days the active wear orsports wear are growingly made from these acrylic fabrics as the wearer feels more comfortable because of moisture management done by them. Plastick sack (50 kg each)