PGS is a system that is installed in the garage to tell drivers availability of a parking lot and guide them to the vacant bays. How does it work? As a single-space monitoring system, PGS installs an ultrasonic sensor above each bay to detect bay occupancy. Occupancy data will be collected by the correspondent zone controller and be transmitted to the center processor, who will then process them and save them in the management center software database. After that, data(occupancy information) will be displayed on the various messages display system, such as LED signs, broadcast and internet to guide drivers to available spaces. System features: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Software statistics guarantees a convenient yet thorough management to the parking lot and to the system as well. 2 Implementing standard communication protocol, easy to integrate with other systems. 3 Sensor and bay indicator integration design, sensor can also serve as bay indicator. Reduce project cost. 4 Highly water-proofed LED display, centre processor, and data collector, able to fit in harsh environment. 5 Plug and play system, clever design reduce much labor cost for installation and maintenance.