Name -custard apple oil /seed oil (sitaphal seed oil) Botanical name- annona, squamosa Parts of uses-seed oil. Uses main uses of custaed apple seed oil is pure pesticides and antlice prouducts there are medicinal application of the brak and leaves scontain annonaine an alkaloid a bark decoction is used to stop diarrhea while the root is used In the treatment of dysentery a decoction of the leaves is show varied medicinal effects including is a used as a Cold remedy and to clarify urine insecticide antiovulatory and abortifacient the fruits of annona are haematinic cooling sedative stimylant expectorant. Maturant tonic they are usfull in anemia burning sensation the seed are abortiacient and insecticidal and are usfull in destroying lice in the hair leaves are used to overcome hysteria and fainting spells fruit is used in making of ice crems and milk beverages.