Bio-supreme organic fertilizer is produced under the guidelines of australian standard as4454:2003, the standard sets out minimum requirements for composts, soil conditioners and mulches as well as summarized æbest practiceÆ guidelines for composting and vermiculture. Bio-supreme organic fertilizer is rich in humic acid, amino acid and organic matter and bears enough amounts of macro and micro nutrients. By applying australian technology of more than 40 years which is being successfully used in over 30 countries, bio-supreme is being produced by decomposing locally available natural vegetation. Bio-supreme organic fertilizer improve soil physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, increase crop and pasture productivity, and reduce reliance on inorganic fertilizers. Bio-supreme can be used as basal, side/top dressing for 1.Nurseries, gardening, fruit and orchard growing, cut flower, landscaping and turf grass growing, and cereals crops 2.Perennial crops, pasture farming, forestry farming 3.Contaminated sites & soils, environmental control and restoration 50 kg pp bags with inner liner are available. The packing sizes can also be tailored according to the request of customer.