1. Intended use: The salbutamol residue rapid test card is a rapid, one step test for the qualitative detection of salbutamol in meat samples. The whole time of assay is only approx. 15~25min. 2. Summary: Salbutamol belongs to the group of G-agonists. It can promote animalí»s fat metabollism, and accelerate the growth of animal. However, this is prohibitted. Except for its lipolytic and anabolic effect, salbutamol is used as antiasthmatic and tocolytic agent which has a slacken effect on non-striated musculature. It can remain in animalí»s body and may lead to strong effect to human. If for worse, it may threaten peopleí»s life. Salbutamol is prohibitted for using in most countries. The salbutamol residue rapid test card is a rapid test to qualitatively detect the presence of salbutamol in specimen at the sensitivity of 58g/kg. The major advantage of the one step test device is that the result can be observed easily . 3. Principle: The principle is the antigen-antibody reaction. The one step test device is a competitive immunoassay of which the detector reagent consists colloidal gold particles that is coated with affinity purified anti-salbutamol antibodies. The capture reagent in the assay is salbutamol-protein conjugate, which is immobilised on the membrane of the test device. The specimen migrates over the membrane. The more analyte in the sample, the more effectively it will compete with the salbutamol immobilised on the membrane for binding to the limited amount of antibodies of the detector reagent.. If salbutamol in the specimen is above 58g/kg, it will prevent the binding of the detector reagent with the salbutamol immobilised on the membrane, resulting in positive.