Typemodel gbchemical composition (% )coordinated flux Cmnsispcrnicu Thm-43 Thg-43h08a H08e H08c0.100.30/0.600.030.030 0.020 0.0150.030 0.020 0.0150.20 0.10 0.200.30 0.10 0.300.20sj301 sj501 and hj431 and so on Thm-43a Thg-43ah08mna0.100.80/ and hj431 and so on Thm-43b Thg-43bh10mn2 H10mn2a0.12 0.171.50/1.90 1.80/2.200.07 0.050.035 0.0300.0300.0200.300.020sj101sj127sj501 and hj431 and so on Thm-50 Thg-50h08mn2si0.111.70/2.100.65/0.950.0350.0350.0200.300.020sj101sj201sj501 and hj431 and so on Thm-50a Thg-50ah08mn2sia0.111.80/2.100.65/0.950.0300.0300.0200.300.020sj201sj501and hj431 and so on Note: thg-43 thg-43a thg-50 thg-50 are the welding wire of non-copper coating(low bright, antirust treatment) Typemodel Gbusage Thm-43 Thg-43h08a H08e H08cfor welding low carbon steel and some low-alloy steel(16mn) structures with flux hj430, hj431, hj433. Thm-43a Thg-43ah08mnafor welding low carbon steel and low-alloy steel(16mn) structures with flux hj430, hj431, hj230, hj330. Thm-43b Thg-43bh10mn2 H10mn2afor welding low carbon steel or 50kg.F/mm 2 high-strength steel structures like boat, heavy-machines, pressure container and bridges. Thm-50 Thg-50h08mn2sifor welding 50kg.F/mm 2 high-strength steel structures or sheet. Thm-50a Thg-50ah08mn2siaditto Note:thg-43 thg-43a thg-50 thg-50 are the welding wire of non-copper coating(low bright, antirust treatment)