Electroscope user in the search of gold, silver or other objects in the search to spend time before the scope of practice appropriate skills is essential. This will improve the use of the scope of your skills and enhance your valuable objects in the search efficiency. Now we look at the model-b characteristics and functions. Power of model-b is a nine-volt alkaline battery, the battery is located at the bottom of the device. Push the slide switch to the left so that the location is connected to activate the model-b, slide switch is located behind the model-b red board. Model-b through the sliding back of the button, and assigned to the left or the right to determine the pattern you need: gold or silver. The use of model-b pre - 1). Slide switch, activate the apparatus. 2). Tuning knob to adjust the best equipment. (may take some time to do on the device id in order to find the best location of the resonance frequency) 3). An outdoor target placed in front of you on the ground or buried in a gold and silver you want to detect the target sample, and then stand away from the target b-foot outside. 4). The center out of three antennas, antenna away side. 5). Select settings button: gold or silver 6). In order to reduce the height of apparatus equipment in the location of zero point to the bottom, the arms stretch along the side of the body. 7). Enhance the regulator to prepare a comfortable position, usually on your left side of the test target 45 degrees.