The description of led display full color: 1. Pixel configuratio 1r1g1b 2. Pixel pitch 8mm 3. Cabinet size 512x256mm 4. Module dots 64× 32dots 5. Maximum power 1200w/m2 6. Screen weight 75kg/m2 7. Resolution 15625dots/m² 8. Screen brightness 1000cd/m² 9. Display color 16.777216 m color 10. Degree adjust 256 degree 11. Brightness adjust 16777216 12. Viewing distance 8~120m 13. Image adjust contrast 14. Drive mode 1/8constant 15. Refresh frequency 480 frame/second 16. Scan speed >240hz 17. Control mode screen synchronization with computer 18. Dis connection vga display cards 19. Display mode 800x600\1024× 768 or 1024x1280 mode 20. Continue times >72 hours 21. Lifetime >100000 hours 22. Mttf >10, 000 hours 23. Disperse uncontrol no 24. Continue uncontrol no 25. Temperature -35 degree~+85 degree Cabinet size 512x256mm Screen weight 75kg/m2