Detailed Product Description 7200-based precious metals detector : Unique hardware: . Comply with the most stringent standards for radiation protection at the same time, samples have simple patterns to place and replace supplies. ,,32,,,. Probe target high performance, long life; a new 32-bit hardware and software systems, reliability, high efficiency; the camera is equipped with high-resolution positioning systems, measuring more intuitive, convenient, fast. . Fixed configuration with many axial fixture Samples.,,,,. System parameters of liquid crystal display apparatus, the operator may at any time through the screen to observe the internal hardware to the device parameters such as voltage current temperature and so on, can effectively extend equipment life.MoX( Excitation source: Mo target X-ray tube air-cooled (no radiation) 12mm Size measurement points: 1 ~ 2mm :400 mm+: 300mm+: 090 mm Samples Room: Long 400 mm + width: 300mm + high: 0 ~ 90 mm sample imaging system to enlarge , Software: menu-driven software with the hardware parameters and data to assess and adjust the calculation Computer: select configuration Detector: fixed gas proportional counter closed semiconductor microprocessor-controlled detector and readout circuitOther specifications: :100127200240V,50/60 Hz Voltage: 100 ~ 127 or 200 ~ 240V, 50/60 Hz :128W Maximum Power: 128W :500mm*500mm*350mm Department biggest size: 500mm * 500mm * 350mm :40kg Weight: 40kg Specifications 0.3%99.99% Analysis range: 0.3% ~ 99.99% Measurement time: Adaptive ¦ 0.1% Measurement accuracy: ¦ 0.1% Test environment: normal ambient temperature Au Ag Pt PbRh Ru CuZn Ni CdW Analysis of elements: Au, Ag, Pt, Pb, Rh, Ru, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd W XX X-ray sources: X-ray fluorescent tubes 450Kv High-pressure device: 4 ~ 50Kv Analysis: Multi-Channel Analog :Windows2000/Me/XP Operating System: Windows2000/Me/XP Coating measurement: