UNIVERSAL MODEL æSHEPHERDÆ E.C. unit (Energy conservation unit) Universal model is designed with basic concept of saving on æEnergyÆ. It has inherent capability to save Energy around 22% to 26%, it has shelf life of 15 to 18 years and simple to operate and suitable to deal with unbalance load. It contents a set of extremely low loss, specially designed for energy saving application, impedance coils. The efficiency of these device is >98.8%. The combination of core design and Impedance coil construction is matched in such a way that it practically generates zero heat, noise and vibration. The E.C. unit is provided with suitable taps to manage output voltage according to the requirements of location. The selection of voltage can be done by Tap changing switch in ON LOAD condition. The E.C. unit is also having inbuilt protection of MCCB/ MCB, mains indicator lamps and ample place for Input/output cabling arrangement. It has digital voltmeter - Amp meter (VAF Meter) on in put side and digital volt meter (V Meter) to read Phase to phase & phase to neutral voltage and phase to phase current (thruÆ VAF Meter). It also has arrangement of on load Manual BY-PASS. Under this arrangement, in case of any failure in the E.C. unit, the entire supply can be put on to æBy PassÆ mode through switching. This allows continuation of power supply to lighting load directly from main line even if E.C. unit fails or kept for servicing, repair, maintenance etc. E.C. unit Universal model is suitable for indoor /outdoor locations. This can be supplied in Natural Air cooled, Forced Air cooled, Natural Oil cooled version, as per userÆs requirement. The SHEPHERD ENERGY CONSERVATION UNIT Universal model can also be optionally supplied with digital KWH meter Energy analyzer, SFU, etc. various accessories and fittings upon request. The Universal model is basically simple design; include all basic features and having lowest Pay Back period, most economical price wise, suitable for all kinds of lighting loads. List of standard accessories and fittings along with other details related to said product is attached herewith. The equipment is time tested at many many types lighting loads & is rugged, totally maintenance free, compact, elegant and silent. Varies from capacity to capacity