1.Function: Punching, marking and shearing 2.Angle size(16Mn Q235A):45x45x3-200x200x20 3. Max Punching capability(DxT): 16Mn ++26x20, Q235A ++26x20 4.Punching nominal force(Kn):1000 5.Marking nominal force(Kn):630 6.Cutting nominal force(Kn):1500 7.Max workpiece length(m):14 8.Adjustment range of criterion(mm):20-170 9.Punch numbers in each side:3 10.Marking groups:4(12 for each unit) 11.Dimension of character(mm):10x14x20 12.Shearing mode: Double-blade cutting 13.CNC Axes Number:3 14.Infeed speed(m/min):0-60(adjustable) 15.Overall dimension(m):32x7x2.6 16.Net weight:(Kg):20000. Technical characteristics : integrated machine with mechanical, electrical and hydraulic elements; numerical controlling, three axes servo motor drive; infinite gauge lines and no limits of the hole rows; imported electric, hydraulic and pneumatic elements; easy programming, connectable with data files generated directly by copying the specimen; diagrammatic display of workpiece; self-diagnostic function. Advantages rigid and compact structure; high productivity with automatic marking, punching, cutting off and stacking operations; only angles size, hole diameters, positions and piece numbers are needed to put into during programming.Net interface can be used. Data can be sheared by connecting the production line with the local area network of designing department; several measures to solve the feeding and positioning difficulties caused by great bending deflection of angles; high material utilization with optimum pattering; low labor working strength and high precision of workpiece. Standard export packing.