Working on computer leads to repetitive strain injury. Computer users suffer from stress related injuries. Computer users suffer from back-pain and pain in carpal. Laptops are crippling millions with back problems. There are many such reports on internet confirms that increasing usages of computer also increasing injuries related to stress and strains among millions. Vedic astrology gives solution ônavgraha-stress releasing pendentö -specially prepared on astrological basis and navgraha vedic anushthan guideline, ô pendentö are made ôsiddhaö with vedic mantraÆs specialized sound-frequency performed by an expert team of vedic-panditÆs , to optimize the positive effects and to minimize the negative effects of navgraha , responsible for causing the problems related to stress and strains among computer users. Advantages of pendentàà. -provides peace of mind to perform better with concentration on computer. -reduces strains of the eyes , there by problem solving capacity increases. -improves self confidence and gives strengths to hands to perform better. -reduces mental stress there by improves quality of performance. -helps in achieveing mental peace. Pendents are packed in 12 pieces lot size, aprox. Weight each pendent 15 to 18gms. Packing dimension 8by2.5 by 2 inches boxes