"coreless rewinder rp" is a completely automatic rewinder (roll to roll) that allows to rewind air bubble film for packaging in small rolls without internal core ( pony roll ) This rewinder born following the request of our customers to enter in the markets of hardware store, shopping mall, bricolage shop, etc., where the air bubble film cannot be sold in rolls with standard dimensions, but only in small rolls with few meters. This rewinder remove also the problem of the internal core cost that could be to much expensive if compared to the sold material. The plant is composed by different groups: Unwinder group complete with bearing brackets for the air expansion shaft with pneumatic closing system where the mother roll with an internal core (° 76mm) is loaded Central group complete with motorized nip-roll cylinder and pneumatic cut system with blade; Rewinder group where the material is rewinded without internal core thanks to rewinding rollers, unhooked and the present length and positioned on a basket. The plant also allows, through the application of an adhesive label or tape, to close the produced roll. Control panel where it is possible to set each parameters of production like number of rolls to produce and length. Once inserted the roll of departure, the "coreless rewinder rp" proceeds to the production of the rolls without internal core without any intervention of the operator which is only necessary to load a new mother roll and to remove the produced roll from the basket. The plant is conforming to the ce safety directives and it is furnished complete of manuals of operation and maintenance. Contact us