Murraya Bonsai (Murraya paniculata), also known as Orange Jasmine or Sweet Osmanthus, is a highly sought-after ornamental plant renowned for its fragrant white flowers and unique red fruits. These stunning bonsai specimens are a perfect addition to any collection, whether for indoor or outdoor display. With a variety of sizes, heights, and ages available, Murraya Bonsai offers flexibility for gardeners, bonsai enthusiasts, and collectors alike. Originating from China, Murraya paniculata has become globally admired, especially in Oriental, European, and American bonsai collections. Its aromatic flowers and distinctive fruits make it a standout in any space. Key Features: Scientific Name: Murraya paniculata Common Name: Orange Jasmine, Sweet Osmanthus Appearance: Fragrant white flowers, red fruits Sizes Available: Varies by height, age, and size Height Options: From 30 cm to 1.5 meters Age Range: From young saplings to mature bonsai Usage: Decorative bonsai for home, office, and garden MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity): 50 bonsai Cultivation Requirements: Warm, humid climate, well-drained soil, indirect sunlight Pricing: Prices vary depending on the size, age, and height of the bonsai. Contact us for a quote based on your order preferences. Packaging Options: We offer safe and secure packaging for international shipping to ensure your bonsai arrives in excellent condition. Export Readiness: We provide export-ready bonsai that meet international standards, ensuring your satisfaction. Contact Us: For inquiries, wholesale pricing, and custom orders, please reach out to us.