Clove Specification (High-Quality Standard) 1. Color: Uniform, dark brown to blackish brown. Free from white spots (mold) or unusual discoloration. 2. Shape and Size: Average length: 1.5 - 2 cm. Clove heads are round, intact, and undamaged. Maximum stem content: 3-5%. 3. Texture: Dry with a maximum moisture content of 8-12%. Neither too brittle nor too soft. 4. Aroma: Strong and distinctive clove fragrance. Free from musty or sour odors. 5. Chemical Composition: Essential oil content: Minimum 15%. Eugenol content: Minimum 70-80%. 6. Cleanliness and Purity: Free from foreign materials such as sand, soil, or leaves. Free from mold, insects, and pesticide residues. 7. Packaging: Properly packed to maintain quality, especially for export. Compliant with moisture and hygiene standards. Note: Cloves meeting this specification are ideal for local and international markets and fulfill the requirements of the food, pharmaceutical, and essential oil industries. Contact me for special price +6281278508016 setunggalstore1@ g m a i l . com