Solvent C-9 CAS Number 64742-95-6 Formula C9H12 Aromatic hydrocarbons are a series of organic molecules that form flat ring-shaped bonds. Aromatic hydrocarbon C9 resins are conventionally named because it is defined by the number of carbon monomers in the chemical. C9 have a distinctive aromatic odour and a typical Gardner colour of 6- 10 (dark yellow to dark brown). It is insoluble in water, low alcohols and ketones, however are soluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents. SPECIFICATION Aromatic Content 99.56 %wt Benzene < 10 ppm wt Non-Aromatics 0.44 %wt Acidity No Free Acid Copper Strip Corrosion Pass 1A APHA Color 3 Initial Boiling Point 164.1C Dry Point 177.2C Specific Gravity @ 15.6/15.6C 0.8763C Density at 15C (in Vacuum) 0.8759g/mL Density at 15C (in Air) 0.8748g/mL Density at 30C (in Air) 0.8628g/mL Density at 30C (in Vacuum) 0.8639g/mL Appearance Colorless, Clear, Free of Foreign Matter Total Sulfur 0.1 ppm wt MAJOR USE: In adhesives, printing inks, sealants, polychoroprene rubber, concrete curing compounds, anti-drying agents and paints. It has a good compatibility with SBR, SIS, SEBS and SEPS and can be used as a pressure sensitive adhesive, hot-melt adhesive and synthetic rubber. These products are available in bulk, drums & bags delivered from Kandla, Mundra, Hazira, Mumbai and Vizag ports & Bhiwandi and Ahmedabad stock points.