Chlor-alkali Grade Salt The primary raw material for the membrane Chlor-Alkali process is purified Sodium Chloride. The quality of salt plays an essential role in the proper trouble-free production of Chlorine and Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide). Introducing membrane technology into Chlor-Alkali Electrolysis has increased the demand for quality salt. The quality of Chlor-Alkali Grade used as raw material determines the life of the membrane cells. On the other hand, electricity consumption depends on the salt's level of impurities. Khananinternationaltraders specializes in producing chemically pure Chlor-Alkali Grade, and this application offers a little better than what is needed to save costs in the running and capital by the Chlor-Alkali industries. Four different grades are being submitted to this sector. Exceptional quality is trace-free from Ca, Mg, S04-2Sr, Ba, Al, Fe, and TOC. For inquiry, contact.