Features: 1) Tones and strengthens skin 2) Relieves weak and tired eyes 3) Combats the aging process 4) Improves memory 5) Aiding restful sleep 6) Helps against impotence in men and infertility in women 7) It is an antibacterial and may help to prevent leukemia 8) Has a yeast-inhibiting function, preventing conditions such as thrush and athlete's foot 9) Can help treat muscular dystrophy 10) Improves resistance to allergies 11) Controls cholesterol levels 12) Boosts the body's resistance to the harmful side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy 13) Helps treat skin problems, including eczema, psoriasis and acne 14) Combined with pantothenic acid, royal jelly provides relief from the symptoms of arthritis Specifications: 1) 10-HDA: 1.5 - 2.1% 2) Moisture: