44.MODEL:DL- BTST Textile Sweater Button Push Adhesion Pull Tensile Strength Button Push & Pull Tensile Strength button tensile strength dynamometer Standard configuration: 1. Tension seat 2. Pushing and pulling force gauge 3. Two jaw pliers 4. Three jaw pliers 5. Tension pliers 6. Bottom fabric fixture 7. Male button fixture 8. Mother button clamp Size: 280 * 220 * 777mm Button tensile testing machine Button strength machine: The purpose of this test is to define the responsibility of garment manufacturers to ensure that buttons, buttons, and fasteners are properly secured to the garment, preventing buttons from detaching from the garment and posing a risk of swallowing by infants. Therefore, all buttons, buttons, and fasteners on ready-made clothing must be tested by a button strength tester. This function performs uniform and vertical tensile testing on various buttons on clothing to check whether their firmness meets relevant safety standards Standard: 16CFR1500.51-53, ASTM PS79-96 Operating instructions: 1. Install the fixture, cooperate with the test button, and lock the test sample onto the base tightly 2. Put down the fixture, grip the buttons tightly and pull them upwards. Each group of buttons should be able to withstand a minimum of 17 pounds of tension (7.72kg) and maintain it for 10 seconds without any signs of looseness or damage. At least 20 buttons per model need to be tested simultaneously to be considered qualified If one of the buttons is loose or damaged, or if it is replaced, it is necessary to retest all of them