The Dispersion Compensation Modules are building blocks of the HT6000 Optical Transport System and serve at optical communication nodes to correct the pulse spread phenomenon known as Chromatic Dispersion that reduces the maximal transmission distance of data in optical fibers. Dispersion compensation in long haul WDM networks DWDM system dispersion compensation and broadband low residual dispersion G.652 fiber C-band 100% slope compensation (standard value) Low insertion loss Low polarization mode dispersion Hot swappable Low power consumption Support for 10/40/100/200/400Gbps C-Band Range HTF optical compensation function with slope dispersion compensation for standard single-mode fiber can DCM (G.652) were dispersion and dispersion slope compensation broad band in the C-band, allowing the system to optimize residual dispersion. In the dispersion compensation value of 1545nm wavelength dispersion can reach -2070ps /nm. The DCMs offer a high dispersion compensation level and a very low insertion loss penalty. They provide negative dispersion compensation over the full C-Band with possible distance extensions of up to 80 kilometers.