Carrot seed essential oil can help you retain your youth and look refreshingly young even as your friends start balding and showing wrinkles on their faces. Actually, antioxidants in this essential oil repair a lot of the damages done to your tissues by oxidants (free radicals) and stop them from doing further harm. These antioxidants protect your skin from wrinkles, keep your hair from turning white, your joints from stiffening, your muscles from weakening and your eyesight from declining. Antioxidants can work other miracles too. They can protect you from macular degeneration, sexual weakness, weak digestion, some forms of cancer and other problems related to aging. CARROT SEED OIL - MANUFACTURING DATA English Name : Daucus carota Urdu Name : Gajar ka tail Botanical Name : Daucus Carota CARROT SEED OIL - QUALITY DATA Appearance and Color Yellow to light brownish Colour Taste and Odor Sweet fresh herbal cumin carrot green spicy Free Fatty Acid 9.8 Iodine Value 98 to 108 Moisture 94.9 Peroxide Value 39.80 Reflective Index at 40 C1.48900- 1.49200 Saponification Value 125.6 Specific Gravity at 15 C0.9400 to 0.9600 Unsaponifiable Matter 1% Storage: Tightly Closed, Protected from Light and Moisture. Shelf Life: Carrot Seed Oil CP Shelf Life of 1 year Packing: 200Kgs Food Graded Iron Drums HEALTH BENEFITS OF CARROT SEED OIL Carrot Seed Oil's Benefits to the Skin. Because carrot seed oil is high in antioxidants, it's a natural for any anti-aging skin formula. ... The oil also has moisturizing vitamin E and protective vitamin C, which work together to help bring new life to skin.