Crop Duration: 3 1/2 months Origin: Native to Sri Lanka Average Yield: 60 to 65 bushels per acre Moisture: 12% Traditional rice varieties are also known as heirloom varieties. Traditional rice. varieties show better performance with the natural farming methods and with sustainable practices from the early years ago and have higher nutritional and medicinal qualities unique to them. Due to this, farmers were engaged in cultivating these varieties from generation to generation, thus conserving the gene pool. Even though these newly improved paddy varieties were short in terms of age and high yielding, they depend on chemical fertilizer and are labor intensive, thus posing a negative externality to the environment. Therefore still 8-10% of farmers are adopted to grow traditional rice varieties fully or part of their whole extent of cultivated land even at present. Health Benefits Has a peasant odour Good source of magnesium essential for muscle contraction. Full of B vitamins which are vital for the production of energy. Rich n proteins and fiber Improve bladder functioning. It provides comparatively high energy. It is recommended for consumption by person having high cholesterol in the blood. Availability Ceylon Secret, Yakku, and Ceylon Geheiminis are our main own foods and spice brand names that are marketing worldwide. As well as we have enough capabilities to do privet labeling according to your brand names as per your request. As well as we provide customized packing with different packing sizes, Weights, and materials as per your wish.