Guggul extract scientifically known as Commiphora wightii belongs to the family Burseraceae. It is also called as gugal, Indian bdellium-tree, gugul, mukul myrrh tree. It is native to western part of India and Southern Pakistan. Bark of the Guggul has oleo-gum resin that may have medicinal properties. Gugul is composed of multi phytocompounds such as essential oils, steroids, lignans and flavonoids that may provide positive health effects. Health Benefits of Guggul extract: May help in controlling the cholesterol levels May help to burn fat May help in weight loss May improve joints strength May help to improve thyroid function May help to fight with inflammatory disease May help to detoxify the body and protect liver and kidneys Rathna Biolife provides guggul extract with 2.5% Guggulsterones E & Z by HPLC & 10% by UV