We have different varieties of potatoes which are Suitable for making chips, French fries and for table purpose. KUFRI CHIPSONA:- Medium to large, oval, white, fleet eyes and white-cream flesh.Easy to cook, texture waxy, flavour mild, free from after-cooking discoloration. High dry matter, low reducing sugars and low phenols. Suitable for making chips and French fries. KUFRI PUKHRAJ:- Large, oval, slightly tapered, white, fleet eyes and yellow flesh. Easy to cook, texture waxy, flavour mild, free from after-cooking discoloration. Coloration on exposure to light. Suitable for table purpose. KUFRI BAHAR:- Large, round-oval, white, medium deep eyes. Easy to cook, texture floury, flavour mild, free from after-cooking discoloration. Suitable for table purpose. Special attributes : Early bulker. Tolerant to gemini virus and slow rate of degeneration.