1. The desktop ionizing blower produces an airflow that is rich in positive and negative ions. Directing the airflow on an object that has a static electricity charge will neutralize the charge. 2. PF1201C is a portable ionized air blower. It uses a small fan to produce airflow. The volume of airflow is controlled by a variable speed control, which provides a wide range of airflow setting. The high voltage AC is applied to a circular arrangement of tungsten steel ion emitter points, which results in an intense alternating electric field at the tip of the emitter points. It is this electric field that creates alternating polarity ions in the airflow. To assure that the unit is working properly, the high voltage AC is monitored by an ionization indicator lamp. 3. PF1201C features a patented balancing circuit. Also features a patented built-in emitter point clear. Using the point clear takes only seconds. Cleaning the emitter points on a weekly basis prevents the build-up of airborne debris all electrical ionizers are prone to. This keeps your blower working in top form for the life of the unit. 4. The desktop ionizing blower was designed for use with sensitive electronic components, where electrostatic discharge is a problem. The desk-top ionizing blower can also be used where static electricity causes problems such as: attraction of dirt to product, misalignment of small parts due to electrostatic jumping and undesirable adhesion of plastic films due to electrostatic.