When the disc is damaged due to internal and external factors, in order to maintain space of disc after excluding disc & unite lumbar, lumbar fixing cage is used for ensuing space to supply bones. Correction of spinal deformity, degenerative disease (spinal disc, stenosis), spinal separation & scoliosis, Scoliosis, and others. Spinal stabilization at operation. Features 1. Products & instruments considering anatomic requirement 2. One-touch System (Easy to insert & remove because Cage is straightened with one-touch resulted from unique & useful system of Solco) - Implants with the various types & sizes (Possible to use the optimum product according to the symptoms & use methods, Circle, Bullet, Curved type) - Various approaches including Transforaminal, Posterior, Lateral, Anterior - Convenient & useful instruments - Broad Fusion Area - Implant with the various sizes for right fit (0: 8mm~13mm, 3: 9mm~13mm, 6: 10mm~13mm) - Teeth design Cage (Prevent cage displacement) - Convenient & useful instruments